Welcome to Phoenix Miller Media!

Hello, and welcome to my website! My name is Phoenix, and I am a third-year journalism student at San Diego State University. I’m currently enrolled in JMS 430, a digital journalism class, where we are creating a website to house our projects for the semester.

Throughout this class, I hope to grow as a journalist, continuing to improve my writing and research skills. I also hope to build my knowledge on website creation and management, a skill that is crucial to have in an ever-evolving digital age. I’m aiming to take the traditional writing and researching skills that I’ve learned and transform them to fit digital platforms. The ability to publish news stories digitally opens up a world of new opportunities to enhance my work, and I’m excited to incorporate more elements into my writing.

I’m also excited to dive into multi-media reporting while working on my final story project. This project will have a research based approach, and include a variety of visual and interactive components including infographics and photos. This website will serve as a home for my final project, where you’ll be able to view what I’ve created.

I hope to grow in a variety of skill sets throughout this semester, and have the ability to showcase those skills on this website. I’ll be posting updates about my progress along the way, so stay tuned as I document my digital journalism journey!